GJARA Newsletter

Afternoon all: I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Now we begin the race towards Christmas and a new year. For me, this time of year has always been a chance to finish projects, clean up loose ends and get ready for the new year. In that spirt, you should know that the Board and I have been diligently finalizing our new Strategic Plan. By participating in the membership survey, your insights gave us a solid foundation to build on. We traditionally develop our strategy in three-year increments, so this plan covers 2023-2026. The last three years have taught us that change must be part of any strategic approach and ours is designed to be nimble and flexible to account for changing market conditions. The Board has made a copy of the final plan available here (Click here) for those that want to review it.
We are hard at work on the programs and projects identified in the plan and will have some exciting things to share at the January Quarterly Luncheon. Don’t forget to participate in “The Big Give” and you can still contribute to the “Holiday Turkey Drive”. For those looking to make yearend RPAC contributions the cutoff date for this year is December 8th. I’m excited for the holidays and the year ahead. Stay focused, stay positive and stay safe. RR

Affiliate Spotlight
Upcoming Classes
Classes for Q1 2023 are open for registration!
2023 Annual Dues:
Billed - January 1, 2023
Due - February 1, 2023
MLS Quarterly Dues:
Q1 Billed - January 1, 2023
Q1 Due - February 1, 2023
Membership Changes:
New Members
- None this week
New Affiliates
- None this week
Office, Address, MLS Changes
- Janet Sellers, Princeton Appraisal Company, MLS Only
Resigning Members
- None this week

The Salvation Army Red Kettle Bell Ringing Program is a tradition which provides you the opportunity to meet the public and support The Salvation Army in a unique way. They need individual volunteers, but also consider bringing your family, your co-workers, friends. Man the kettle, ring the familiar bell, and wish shoppers a joyous holiday season.

CE Anywhere
Do you need online classes check out what Colorado Association of REALTORS has available.
NAR Ethics
NAR requires all members take a minimum of 2.5 hours of Ethics every three year cycle. The current cycle is January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024. Members must take Ethics in this cycle.
When you register for Ethics make sure it is an NAR approved class or it will not count for your Ethics requirement!